Warehouse Guy Scanning Warehouse Scanning A fully integrated scanning system designed to allow you manage key warehouse tasks directly from hand held devices


The picking routines allow the pickers to scan a pick ticket number, they will be directed to a location or product.  The picking routines validate every step of the pick process to ensure a accurate and efficient pick.

Stock Movement

If you warehouse is divided into locations, we offer routines to move stock between the various locations within the warehouse.

Goods Receipt / Putaway

Our goods receipts module allows the user count some or all a receipted purchase order. Goods are validated at receipt and putaway to ensure incoming stock is correctly received and putaway.

Packing and Dispatch

At the packing bench the user has the ability to validate the pack against the sales order, standard and custom freight charges can be applied to individual sales orders or split amongst orders for consolidated deliveries. Con-notes can be recorded, and delivery documentation produced.


Our stock-take routines allow you count the stock in you warehouse, by location, product or individual colors within a product. A stock count can be allocated to an individual or counting can be shared among several users. The admin module has sophisticated functions to all you allocated and report on your stock-take.

Label Printing and Lookups

Users can request barcode labels and do location and stock lookups directly from the handheld device.